Indian Landrace Strains and Why You Should Grow Them?

Landraces are some of the most popular cannabis strains in the market today. They are also known as pure breeds or purebreds. These strains are usually native to a region and possess unique flavors and effects that are significantly different compared to the newer hybrid strains. They are essentially the ancestors of the cannabis that we enjoy today.

Three of the most popular landrace families are cannabis Sativa, cannabis Indica, and cannabis Afghani. Their solid genetics is what makes these landraces important and unique. They have been growing in the wild for centuries and have evolved to develop unique features in color, leaf size, and variations in the phytochemicals that they produce. 

With the increasing legalization of marijuana both for medical and recreational use, the consumer interest in pure cannabis breeds has increased making it difficult to find some of these unique cannabis families. Despite their rarity, you can still buy Indian landrace exchange seeds or other landraces when you find a trustworthy vendor. 

The Indian Landrace

As we have mentioned already, many of the landraces are native to specific geographical regions where they have been largely growing in the wild and maintaining a pure genetic pool. India is one of those geographical locations with many unique landraces. The reason for the many strains is the various climates, terrains, and traditions that perfectly authenticate the popular view that India is the birthplace of many cannabis strains. 

Even though there are a number of landraces in India, some varieties are on the brink of becoming extinct. Though some of their seeds have been preserved in various seed banks around the world. It is from these seed banks that you can buy Indian landrace exchange seeds without worrying about the quality.

Buying landrace marijuana strain 

When you are looking to get started cultivating cannabis, it can be a worse idea if you buy Indian landrace strains. Landraces help keep the genetic pool of the original parent plant alive. Climate change and other environmental factors are threatening the extinction of a variety of plant species. Some of the cannabis species are almost getting extinct and the majority of the vulnerable strains have been preserved and stored in seed banks around the world. 


If you are interested in the original cannabis strains whose genetic composition has not been compromised by crossing then you should buy Indian landrace exchange seeds. The seeds produce plants with higher yields, high potency, and a pleasant aroma.  


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